Saturday, 14 March 2015

~Christ is enough for me~

When the dark clouds came hovering,
Chasing away the clear blue sky...

The smooth ocean waters, turned ugly,
And began to rage its fury...

Lighting and thunders , blew trumpets of war,
Frightening me...

And the ship began tossing, in the tempest.
My heart, now gripped, with fear of a shipwreck...

At the hour, when passion subsides,
And courage is shaken, and made to fall...
In the moment of bleak hopes, and desperate call...

I look up, and gaze the heaven above.
And amidst the roaring storm,
I hear, the still small voice speak...

'Fear not! for I am with thee.
Gather thy courage, and awaken the warrior,
That rests in thee...

Arise and roar back to the storms that tests thee...
Undaunted, I say, my champion ,you shall be. '

All my fears, now calm and settled.

Then, after persevering for a while,
I soon found, the dawn , appearing, on the horizon.
The gleaming sunlight, fading the dark clouds,
And the waves, too, surrendered, as weak and docile.

I lifted my eyes, again to the heavens,
And thanked the Almighty, who saved me.

My soul shall in this rejoice...
For when troubled times, shall chase me,
I shall cling close, to the one, who shall never ever  forsake me.

(Image credits:

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