Friday, 11 September 2015

The Greatest Gift - Part 2

                                                                                                            (Part 2 of 3)
" How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!

How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into Heaven,

I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:

I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.

Yet thou shalt be brought down to Hell, to the sides of the pit. "
(Isaiah 14:12-15)

(Image credits:

Some millennia ago... The once, model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty, Archangel Lucifer, was expelled and banished, from the First Heaven, for his rebellion & pride. Yehovah's holy fire consumed him and his excellent features shrivelled and turned ugly and marred. 
Lucifer, the once splendid Light bearer of Heaven.... now the Renegade Ruler of the Kingdom of Darkness and Hell.

(Image credits:

Lucifer entered the Council assembly room...  
His six seraph wings rose behind him, in ecstasy. He sharply viewed the entire room...
Walked near to Gabriel and snatched the Heavy book from him... "Ha Ha Ha.. what do you read brother? (Examining the book) Poor chance! You cannot save those pitiful creatures."

"My Judgement comes, but I shall not burn alone... I will take all mankind with me." ----His lips burned with fury.
He lifted his gaze towards the Holy Mountain, which stood above higher, covered with
thick, luminous clouds of glory, where the throne of Yehovah was. "I, Lucifer, the Prince" he gave an evil laugh in gratification, then continued, " the Ruler of Darkness. I 
shall have my vengeance... " and dashed the book on the pearly floor, near the feet of Zerekial, the Chief elder.

In an instant, Archangel Michael, the Chief Commander of Yehovah's army, stood up. His right hand firmly gripped his blazing sword.... Gabriel quickly placed his hand on Michael's shoulder and prevented him, "Not yet"

Lucifer sneered, " Chivalry Michael (yawns) I pity your foolish refusal to my invite, to commander my hellish troops. Your skills go waste, in this dim chorus militia." 

He retraced his steps towards Zerekial, the Chief elder, Guardian of Yehovah's heavenly mysteries... "If I be punished for my deeds, then should not 'Humans' deserve Judgement for their transgressions."
He drew more close to Zerekial, and stretching his right hand, pointing at the Holy Mountain, hissed in a enticing tone, " Isn't He ( Yehovah) the Most Righteous Judge?"

The Council assembly raised their eyebrows in shock.

A loud screeching cry echoed, breaking the tranquillity in the council room. A golden eagle with fiery wings flew from the Holy Mountain, towards the council assembly, hovering above them a short while, then dropped a golden scroll in Archangel Gabriel's hand.
Gabriel hastily opened the scroll and after a quick glance read aloud the missive:

Thus says Yehovah-
I am the Lord, the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Nothing rests veiled from my Omniscience.

I know what darkness hides,
What lies concealed in the deep ocean & seas.
I know, the thoughts and desires in the hearts and minds of mankind... and their secret whisperings in the dark....

Even your malicious, sinister and deceitful schemes are not hid from me, Lucifer!

However, your request is heard.

There shall be a Judgment!

For 'I AM'

And a loud, ear peeling, thunderous roar echoed, as Gabriel closed the scroll reading the undersigned words...

Lucifer exhaled deeply almost snorted.... Gabriel stared at him coldly. Lucifer held his
gaze at Gabriel, and smiled, a slow evil smile, then exited the Chamber.

And then the Silence fell.

Whole Heaven stood silent... riveted toward the blinding form, who sat upon the throne.

The brilliant radiance of Yehovah's splendour and glory.... was ablaze with much luminosity.... 
The roaring from the throne became louder and more intense.
Peals of thunders.... and blue bolts of lightning leapt from the throne.

And the Breath of Yehovah, his Sacred Spirit blew, blew like winds....
Moving upon the waves and waves of luminous white glory that cascaded from the throne, and bathed Heaven in the gleaming brilliance.

As one, the entire Chamber fell to their knees. Everyone bowed in reverence, in awe and  adoration.

"They meet"--Zerekial softly whispered.
"Yehovah, the Father.... His beloved Son and the Sacred Spirit"
"The Holy Trinity.... the Truine Godhead"

**End of Part 2**
***Story continues in Final Part 3***

By- Sybil Samuel

"The Greatest Gift Part 2" is a creative work of imagination (fiction),
woven and knit around the Gospel message of Salvation, learnt from Bible scriptures.
Click here to read Part 1 of the story::

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