Monday, 8 June 2015

~A Song to the Maker~

In the brief silence of time....
When I find myself, gazing at the panoramic view of Nature,
I gasp, in adoration,
Captivated by the Immaculate beauty of Creation.

And in that deep moment of silence,
I hear your still ,small voice ...
The voice, of the God of Creation.
Speaking, In the rustling green leaves,
In the chirping of the colorful birds,
In  the streams of flowing rivers,
In the noise of the waterfalls,
In the splattering sound of the raindrops....

His voice, speaking in the rhythms of my heartbeat.

Echoing his unfailing love.
His goodness and his mercy.
I stand , overwhelmed and enraptured by your glory and majesty.

Your Steadfast love, extends to the Heavens.
Your Wisdom, is much deeper than the mighty oceans.

Marvelous are your works, O  Lord!
And my soul knows that well.

Your presence dearly surrounds me.
Your eyes watch over all my ways.
Even my thoughts aren't unknown to you.

You have formed me, in my mother's womb.
I was hidden, in the deep darkness,
And your own fingers, sculpted my frame...
You intricately wove  together, the tissues,
And created me out of the earth.

Your fingerprints are uniquely marked, on my DNA...
Your lips whispered my name,
And your breath , turned me into a living being.

How Marvelous are your works O Lord!

I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
You designed me with a purpose.
In your book, the Golden one,
Embellished with silver patterns and pearls...
You lovingly smiled and called my name,
And with fountain pen, of a lapis lazuli color,

You wrote the beautiful, story of my life...
I am a Jewel, your precious treasure.

Oh!Marvelous are your works O Lord!
And You are worthy of all the Glory and Praise.

By~ Sybil Samuel
(Inspired from Psalm 139)
(Image credits: )

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