Friday, 11 September 2015

The Greatest Gift - Part 2

                                                                                                            (Part 2 of 3)
" How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!

How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into Heaven,

I will exalt my throne above the stars of God:

I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.

Yet thou shalt be brought down to Hell, to the sides of the pit. "
(Isaiah 14:12-15)

(Image credits:

Some millennia ago... The once, model of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty, Archangel Lucifer, was expelled and banished, from the First Heaven, for his rebellion & pride. Yehovah's holy fire consumed him and his excellent features shrivelled and turned ugly and marred. 
Lucifer, the once splendid Light bearer of Heaven.... now the Renegade Ruler of the Kingdom of Darkness and Hell.

(Image credits:

Lucifer entered the Council assembly room...  
His six seraph wings rose behind him, in ecstasy. He sharply viewed the entire room...
Walked near to Gabriel and snatched the Heavy book from him... "Ha Ha Ha.. what do you read brother? (Examining the book) Poor chance! You cannot save those pitiful creatures."

"My Judgement comes, but I shall not burn alone... I will take all mankind with me." ----His lips burned with fury.
He lifted his gaze towards the Holy Mountain, which stood above higher, covered with
thick, luminous clouds of glory, where the throne of Yehovah was. "I, Lucifer, the Prince" he gave an evil laugh in gratification, then continued, " the Ruler of Darkness. I 
shall have my vengeance... " and dashed the book on the pearly floor, near the feet of Zerekial, the Chief elder.

In an instant, Archangel Michael, the Chief Commander of Yehovah's army, stood up. His right hand firmly gripped his blazing sword.... Gabriel quickly placed his hand on Michael's shoulder and prevented him, "Not yet"

Lucifer sneered, " Chivalry Michael (yawns) I pity your foolish refusal to my invite, to commander my hellish troops. Your skills go waste, in this dim chorus militia." 

He retraced his steps towards Zerekial, the Chief elder, Guardian of Yehovah's heavenly mysteries... "If I be punished for my deeds, then should not 'Humans' deserve Judgement for their transgressions."
He drew more close to Zerekial, and stretching his right hand, pointing at the Holy Mountain, hissed in a enticing tone, " Isn't He ( Yehovah) the Most Righteous Judge?"

The Council assembly raised their eyebrows in shock.

A loud screeching cry echoed, breaking the tranquillity in the council room. A golden eagle with fiery wings flew from the Holy Mountain, towards the council assembly, hovering above them a short while, then dropped a golden scroll in Archangel Gabriel's hand.
Gabriel hastily opened the scroll and after a quick glance read aloud the missive:

Thus says Yehovah-
I am the Lord, the Creator of Heaven and Earth.
Nothing rests veiled from my Omniscience.

I know what darkness hides,
What lies concealed in the deep ocean & seas.
I know, the thoughts and desires in the hearts and minds of mankind... and their secret whisperings in the dark....

Even your malicious, sinister and deceitful schemes are not hid from me, Lucifer!

However, your request is heard.

There shall be a Judgment!

For 'I AM'

And a loud, ear peeling, thunderous roar echoed, as Gabriel closed the scroll reading the undersigned words...

Lucifer exhaled deeply almost snorted.... Gabriel stared at him coldly. Lucifer held his
gaze at Gabriel, and smiled, a slow evil smile, then exited the Chamber.

And then the Silence fell.

Whole Heaven stood silent... riveted toward the blinding form, who sat upon the throne.

The brilliant radiance of Yehovah's splendour and glory.... was ablaze with much luminosity.... 
The roaring from the throne became louder and more intense.
Peals of thunders.... and blue bolts of lightning leapt from the throne.

And the Breath of Yehovah, his Sacred Spirit blew, blew like winds....
Moving upon the waves and waves of luminous white glory that cascaded from the throne, and bathed Heaven in the gleaming brilliance.

As one, the entire Chamber fell to their knees. Everyone bowed in reverence, in awe and  adoration.

"They meet"--Zerekial softly whispered.
"Yehovah, the Father.... His beloved Son and the Sacred Spirit"
"The Holy Trinity.... the Truine Godhead"

**End of Part 2**
***Story continues in Final Part 3***

By- Sybil Samuel

"The Greatest Gift Part 2" is a creative work of imagination (fiction),
woven and knit around the Gospel message of Salvation, learnt from Bible scriptures.
Click here to read Part 1 of the story::

Thursday, 13 August 2015

~ The Man from Galilee ~

When the whole world , lay slumbering ...
And quietness fills the air,

In the hour of darkness , when Sin secretly  begins to spread out its tentacles,
The pangs of deceit and evil...
Its venomous claws clutches the weak ,
And its pleasures destroys the souls, who are enraptured and caught by the beguiling illusions....
Enslaving them eternally...

In the silent midnight  hour...
When none can hear the relentless cries,
The endless tears of sorrow, in the dark valleys of shadow...
The anxiety and bewilderment,
The terrible maladies of the human soul...

And, When the human heart fail from expectations,
Aching for kindness, love and care...
But finds no one to comfort , and none to nurse its ugly wounds..

In the most desperate of time and hour,
When you find within, no hope, nor strength...

It is when a Knight arrives...
To meet the human need.

Still in the streets of every city,
Walks unheard, unseen, the Man from Galilee..

He comes, not dressed in Royal shimmery suit,
But clothed in glistening Robe of compassion, mercy and unfailing love....

His cheeks wet with tears,
Weeping for the lost and fatherless generation,
He weeps... as he walks, the silent, dark lanes.
Tears slowly, sliding down his cheeks....

He weeps... Over the  selfish and cold hearts of Men,
The relentless cries of his wounded warriors,
Over the miseries and heartaches of souls....

He walks, unheard and unseen.
In the dingy, narrow lanes,
And the sophisticated, secular streets of London, Tokyo, New York...
And also, In the busy streets of Karachi, Mumbai, Madrid, and other cities of the world.

His wounds still bleeds...
And He still weeps...

His heart burns with a crimson red and orange flame.
Flames of His passionate, consuming love, for the prodigal sons and daughters.

He walks into the chambers, the dark and ugly ones.
Where hide the souls, rejected, judged and lonely.

He draws closer to each one, with an adoring gaze, deep to their souls.
They recognize His presence...

And soon the warmth of His unconditional love,
Kindles their hearts and souls,
The pure brilliance of His glory bathing upon them...

He embraces each of them dearly in his arms, like a caring mother...
And wiping their tears, sings softly to them, lullabies.
The healing balm of Gilead,
Soothes and heals their every wound..

Oh! The Merciful Savior....
He never slumbers, or sleep.
He is awake to the cries of His sheep.

The Son of Man from Galilee,
He still loves...
He still cares...
He still watches over you,
For  dear one, He has never forgotten you.

Saturday, 25 July 2015

The Greatest Gift ~Part 1

                                           (PART 1of 3)

In the beginning [before all time] was the WORD(christ), and the WORD was with God, and the WORD was God Himself.

He was present originally with God.
All things were made and came into existence through Him; and without Him was not even one thing made that has come into being.

In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men. {John 1:1-4,AMP}


(Image credits:

A cool, gentle breeze blew in the Garden of Eden, the lush green garden where grew every kind of luscious fruit tree imaginable. . . . Apples,  Apricots, Cherries, Guavas, Pomegranates, Plums, Peaches, Figs, Bananas, Mulberries, Pears, Oranges, and many more.
There were also, the most fragrant and prettiest of flowers, of every color, on which fluttered many pretty butterfies. The Marigold, Chrysanthemum, Daffodils, Dahlia, Lilies, Tulips, Iris, Sunflower, Hyacinths, Gladiolus, Jasmine, Roses, and more.
And their sweet, pleasant fragrance was wrapped in the entire Eden Garden.
A few distance away, from the heart of the garden, were the waterfalls, and down, at the bottom in the foamy, sparkling waters. . . . 

(Image credits:

You could see the Flamingoes, Pelicans and Ducks.. . . .
Opposite them on the velvet, green lawns , the Lion's cubs and deers were playing.

And there was someone, who was enjoying, watching them play.

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A beautiful, young woman, with honey brown hairs reaching her waist, sparkling eyes,
and her happy, cheerful voice was echoing in the Eden Garden.
And on hearing, her voice, every bird, from, Peacock, Nightangles, Woodstorks, Parrots,Pigeons, Albatross, Crane, Bulbuls, Sparrows. .  . . . . All began chirping and singing, to set along a symphony.

The Garden of Eden was Spectacular and Breathtaking in beauty.

An Immaculate Masterpiece!!! Of Yehovah.

But there was someone else, also present there. But, He didn't seemed happy??
Hiding behind a large tree, was a black hooded figure, who stood keenly observing everything in the Garden.
His countenance grew furious, fuming  with envy and hatred, at the sight.. . .
After a long glance, at the garden, an evil wicked grin appeared on his face, he stepped forward and transformed himself into a serpent.

Slowly moved towards the Woman.....
"Eve" - he hissed in low, enticing voice and offered the forbidden fruit .  "Just a bite of it, and 'Ye Shall be as Gods'.. ." 

The serpent succeded in his evil scheme, and left the garden. . . .
wriggling, then changing back to the mysterious hooded figure.

Many aeons have passed, since then. . . . 
Adam and Eve were removed from the Garden of Eden,after they ate the forbidden fruit.
Their disobedience birthed Sin into the world. . . And Sin grew and multiplied!
Lawlessness still found its existence, even after Yehovah sent the Great Floods to destroy the wicked, unrighteous mankind ,who corrupted the Earth.....
Saving Noah & his family alone. But Lawlessness, again spread its pangs of darkness & evil.

Far above, in the heavens....  Unknown to the Race of Man on Earth...

The First Heaven. . . 

Thick, bright white clouds surrounded the Holy mountain. There was a throne.... high above it, with one seated on the throne!
And he who sat there appeared like the crystalline brightness of Jasper and the fiery Sardius, and encircling the throne there was a halo that looked like a rainbow of Emerald. . . . From the throne came flashes of lightining and the rumblings and peals of thunder. .. .
It was the throne of Yehovah....the Omnipotent, Omniscient, the Immortal one... the Ancient of Days...  Such glory emanated from him, that brightened the whole Heavens....

In the Council Room of Heaven....

There were beautiful sculptured pillars, engraved with gems...
Royal shimmering tapestries and exquisitely designed mosaic floors, gleaming as pearls, were far more excellent in beauty.

In the room sat the twenty-four elders(the members of the Heavenly Sanhedrin) clothed in white robes and golden crown resting on their heads....
There were many thousands of Angels who also gathered, in the Council Room.
 Then a Chief Angel, who maintained Records, stood up... "My Books are full of daily records, of the wickedness and immoral deeds of Humans. 
Robbery, Murders, Treachery, Idolatry, Perversion and many, shameful to name.. . My fingers ache of such writings, they are increasing continually."

"Yehovah must surely destroy them, for all have become dull hearted, lacking the reverential fear of God" --Another Angel stood up and remarked.

And all other Angels stood complaining alike...

Zerekial, one of the twenty-four elders, stood up and cried - "Peace! , we must not forget , 'Humans' are Yehovah's most dearest creation.
Search and find, what could be done to save them, from the impending Judgement of their sins???"

"Only a sacrifice.... free of Impurity and Sin... of their own kind, offered as atonement for their sins, could save them all from the Judgement and Wrath of Yehovah "--Archangel Gabriel, stood up and announced, with a heavy burgandy book clasped in a  golden padlock, in his hands.
He opened the book and read aloud the stated condition to everyone.

"Impossible" --Zerekial, the chief elder, mumbled in dismay, his voice hardly audible.

"That's Impossible" --Archangel Michael, stood up and continued..... " There's no Man   completely blameless or righteous , who could save them. After Fall of Adam, everyone is born imputed with Sin. There is none whom they could sacrifice."

The whole council sat in silence and gloom.
And then, at the far end of the room, a black hooded figure appeared..... gave a mean laugh and walked inside the Council Room, and revealed himself......

"Lucifer" -- one of the elders whispered. . . .

****End of Part 1****

**Story continues in Part 2** Coming soon.  . .

By-Sybil Samuel
1)'The Greatest Gift' is a creative work, based on biblical insights gained from scriptures.
2) The Garden of Eden story is inspired from the Genesis chp 1-3.
3) The first Judgement, the Great floods story mentioned can be  read in detail at Genesis chp 6&7.
4) The Throne of God, Heaven and Twenty-four elders are inspired from the Book of Revelation.

Sunday, 21 June 2015


(Image Credit:
The pale aqua blue sky, with strokes of pink  and red shades, appeared lovely and beautiful,like painting adorned on a canvas. The vibrant auroras (polarlights) , of lapis lazulli and turquoise color, were visible, stretching across the horizon.
And soon , glittering stardust began to fall upon the ground, as snowflakes fall during winters on Earth. 
A Breathtaking, Immaculate and Surreal..... HEAVEN!!!!!

I swiftly climbed the pearly ,white stairs, and turned left towards the library. Almost gasping, and unconcerned about the Tiara, slowing slipping from my head, the silver crown fitted with diamonds and pearls.
I reached the Library, a grand, colossal one, where many , large volumes of books were stored.
After a quick glance at the room, I reached towards the Mahogany desk, behind which,I found Father , scribbling something in a thick , plum colored Journal.
"Father"- I could hardly continue, and fresh tears began sliding down my cheeks. I tightly clutched, Father's hand , the hands of the Majestic , Heavenly King. The one who rules the entire Universe.

He cuddled me in his loving arms, for a long moment, and then gently placed the tiara on my head.
"I know"- he calmly replied, his countenance , emitting such peace, that transcends all  understanding.
"I know, the battles you face"- he sighed deeply.
"Come"- Father held my hand in his strong hands. And we walked, together, through the corridors of Heaven, the beautifully designed floors, gleamed as white pearls , embellished with gold.
We entered the gallery, a wide room, stretching to infinity, with pillars engraven with gems. And many, hundreds of Angels, with different musical instruments were present inside the room, singing melodious tunes.....
Father looked at me, lovingly and smiled. I stood transfixed by his Majestic and Imperial demeanor , his face glowed radiant , like the bright sun.
"Shall we dance"- he asked me, reaching out his hand, palm outward, toward me, fully 
aware of my struggle and fears.
I resisted, to dance, still feeling low and anxious. But then, Father's affectionate , reassuring smile , calmed all my fears , and lit a new life inside me.
"Yes"- I said, shyly , with a sheepish grin and firmly held his hands.

And , Oh.... we dance....
Smiling and chuckling....
He held my hand and swinged me round and round , and we dance.... as the music of Heaven played.

I stopped, and noticed my silver bellies (shoes) ," My shoes look poor, with broken buckles , daddy" - I complained, still gripping his hand.
"Father, I failed you, I'm sorry, this battle is just too hard for me." - I mumbled , with wet cheeks.
Father bent low to kiss my forehead and then embraced me dearly.

"My little princess, beloved of my heart, You are indeed very Brave. I am fully aware of all your concerns"
"Do not quit, for when the battles are fierce to fight , there are sure, hidden rewards, kept as prize"
"It is courage, to continue, in the midst of overwhelming events . And you are brave."
"I am with you always...."

He looked straight in my eyes, a gaze that was deep into my soul, "You have a Hero inside you" , his words , every vowel in the sentence was alive, it resonated  and breathed life into my subconscious.
I stared Father, in silence.
His face , now appearing more radiant than before, and his Majestic demeanor stood up so much glorious. I gasped, wide eyed in awe.

Father smiled at me, his everloving , adoring gaze, and total attention was riveted on me, which just melted my heart.....
I buried my face in his loving embrace...... and muttered, " It's you, 'You make me Brave' ..."


Its an imaginary conversation with the Father God in Heaven, written for the purpose of inspiration and encouragement to readers.

Monday, 8 June 2015

~A Song to the Maker~

In the brief silence of time....
When I find myself, gazing at the panoramic view of Nature,
I gasp, in adoration,
Captivated by the Immaculate beauty of Creation.

And in that deep moment of silence,
I hear your still ,small voice ...
The voice, of the God of Creation.
Speaking, In the rustling green leaves,
In the chirping of the colorful birds,
In  the streams of flowing rivers,
In the noise of the waterfalls,
In the splattering sound of the raindrops....

His voice, speaking in the rhythms of my heartbeat.

Echoing his unfailing love.
His goodness and his mercy.
I stand , overwhelmed and enraptured by your glory and majesty.

Your Steadfast love, extends to the Heavens.
Your Wisdom, is much deeper than the mighty oceans.

Marvelous are your works, O  Lord!
And my soul knows that well.

Your presence dearly surrounds me.
Your eyes watch over all my ways.
Even my thoughts aren't unknown to you.

You have formed me, in my mother's womb.
I was hidden, in the deep darkness,
And your own fingers, sculpted my frame...
You intricately wove  together, the tissues,
And created me out of the earth.

Your fingerprints are uniquely marked, on my DNA...
Your lips whispered my name,
And your breath , turned me into a living being.

How Marvelous are your works O Lord!

I will praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.
You designed me with a purpose.
In your book, the Golden one,
Embellished with silver patterns and pearls...
You lovingly smiled and called my name,
And with fountain pen, of a lapis lazuli color,

You wrote the beautiful, story of my life...
I am a Jewel, your precious treasure.

Oh!Marvelous are your works O Lord!
And You are worthy of all the Glory and Praise.

By~ Sybil Samuel
(Inspired from Psalm 139)
(Image credits: )

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

The Agony in Gethsemane

It was late evening hour...

The sky turned from pale grey to a deeper grey and then to a charcoal black. Numerous,tiny stars became visible , twinkling dimly in the dark sky.
On the slopes of the Mount Olives, there was a lush garden , called Gethsemane. It was an olive grove, but some fig trees and vines and few date palms, could also be found growing there.

A cool, gentle breeze blew, softly brushing the lavender bushes, spread at the foot of Mount olives, also carrying its light fragrance in the air.

In the deep silence of the garden, some distance away from his beloved disciples, Peter, James and John. At a secluded corner, beneath one of the trees, 'Yeshua' knelt.
His handsome, noble features were visible in the moonlight. His face upturned , gazing towards the heavens. And his lips fervently moving in supplication.

                           (image credits: www. 
The dreadful weight of sins, of the entire human race , with its horrors of shame and guilt , overwhelmed Yeshua. And, the terrible sufferings and death , that was approaching nearer to him, 
pressed him hard, with anxiety and fear.

His appearance became pale and downcast. Soon, his forehead and his dark long hairs were damp by prespiration. And then, the huge drops of sweat changed to the crimson color of blood and began rolling down from his brows , to his cheeks and fell unto the soil.

It was the darkest night for Yeshua's soul. Yeshua looked vulnerable , his soul inflicted by anguish and deep apprehension.
He began praying even more earnestly . Drops of blood , mingled with sweat, still sliding down Yeshua's face, unto the ground.
He stretched his arms , and facing the heavens , cried out. "Father, if thou be willing" , he lowered his voice , his eyes wet with tears, he continued, "Remove this cup of suffering from me"

                                           (image credits:
And at that moment, from the shadows appeared a dark figure , gruesome, with a evil glint in eyes.
He walked towards Yeshua , and leaning close to his ears, he hissed , in a low, enticing voice, ''What a pity! Why must the Son of God suffer , for the foolish race of men? Sheer waste! They will never  honour , your sacrifice. ''
He paused to read the fears on Yeshua's face , then added, "They are transgressors, wicked, lovers only of themselves. They do not deserve ,the love of Yehovah. "

His eyes , set fixed on Yeshua , studying him intently , and his mind calculated further malice. This was Satan's last desperate bid to defeat the Divine plan of Salvation.

Yeshua watched him . In Silence.
Satan drew closer to Yeshua, his countenance much fierce and evil, "Yeshua, the Son of God, soon to be  mocked, beaten and killed, by his own creatures" - he gave a mean laugh.
"What is Man, even lower than the Angels, that you will, to die for them?" - he spat and ridiculed.
Yeshua lowered his head, and remained silent
The conflict was terrible , but he remained unmoved.
He disregarded Satan, and lifted his eyes,gazing again towards the heavens, at the dimly lit, silent night sky.
"Nevertheless, not my will Father, but thine , be done" -Yeshua spoke , softly yet firmly.

And the dark figure vanished , fuming with rage.

Then, slowly , the thick , white mist began to surround him . And the Archangel Gabriel appeared, gleaming a radiant white, and wrapped his wings gently around Yeshua, the Beloved Son of God, the Darling of Heaven .
The heavenly presence, brought the strength and courage of heaven.
Strengthening the weak and anguished soul of Yeshua........
Strengthening his heart....
Strengthening his mind....

"Not my will Father, but thine be done" - he mumbled again, with eyes closed in supplication.
"Not my will, but thine" - Yeshua repeated to himself. And stood up, appearing much calm, assured and resolute, and indeed eager to perform the  Plan of Salvation.

"Man of sorrows, Lamb of God 
By his own betrayed

The Sin of Man and Wrath of God 
Has been on Jesus laid

Silent as he stood accused
Beaten, mocked and scorned

Bowing to the Father's will
He took a crown of thorns

Oh that rugged cross
My Salvation....
Where your love poured out over me
Now my soul cries out


Praise and Honor unto thee...
(words from song "Man of Sorrows" by Hillsong)

By--Sybil Samuel
1) "The Agony in Gethsemane" is a creative work of imagination, inspired from the gospel of Luke( chapter 22, verses 39-44)

2) 'Yeshua' also the hebrew (late biblical hebrew) name of Jesus, is used in the story. For information related to Hebrew name of Jesus , check the Wikipedia.

Monday, 16 March 2015

Sow a noble deed

"Whatsoever you do, to the least of my people , that you do unto me"
                                                                                                                    (Matthew 25:40)

Its Monday morning and there's the unusual sight of vehicles moving across the streets. Pedestrians in formals rushing to work.
The weekend fun is over, and its time to crunch some dose of work.
The golden autumn leaves  were falling off the trees, driving through the city park and the skyscrapers...
Karl, stationed the car , opposite an apartment. Karl, a 22 year old ,young cab driver , in Dallas,Texas . Is waiting for his passenger, its been nearly 15mins of his waiting at the place. He now decides to go and check for his passenger.
Karl reached the house and knocked on the door, finding no answer, he knocked again, "Hey, somebody home?" - Karl inquired looking quite displeased. "Just a minute" - came a reply, it was a feeble voice of a woman.
A moment later, the door opened and an old lady stepped outside, she looked pale,  had blonde hairs and a weak wrinkled smile.

She stood a little stooping and said - "Sorry, to keep you waiting so long, I stay here alone, so sometimes fail to manage things on time".
"Oh!its fine, let me help you to the cab" - Karl replied and gently helped her to the seat...
"So, where do you wanna ride?? He asked
"I have an appointment with the Doc. Please take me to the City Dallas Hospital"
"OK. As you say. I hope you are feeling alright? Do you have any close ones here? " - Karl inquired of her.
"Yeah ,I'm fine. I stay alone, I don't have a family, just months ago, I had my monthly check up and I was diagnosed with a cancer, a few tests were required, going for them today" - the elderly woman replied in a tender tone, her smile frozen and the pain of loneliness and illness visible in her eyes.
"It's a long route ma'am , it'll cost much" - Karl said to her and moved his hands towards the cab meter , but then he decided not to charge her a fare.

The flush of anger that had aroused in him while waiting for her, so long, disappeared and Karl became polite and caring.
"You can call me, whenever you need a drive, somehow I'll try and be there"- He spoke and passed her a smile.

Driving through the busy roads, and passing by the City library and some other familiar buildings....
  The woman requested Karl to halt near an old building, she stepped out and began staring at the building, silently. Karl stood beside her and saw her admire it, without questioning her anything. After a while, they both sat back in the cab and continued the drive.

"That building was my school, it has been a long time, seeing it " ....she  paused a while and then continued...
"I was a bright student in every class" a little glow sparkled in her eyes as she shared her school memories and her faint smile came alive.
After few more minutes of drive, they reached the destination.

The elder woman clutched Karl's hand as he helped her to the elevator.
"Thank you so much, for being so patient and kind. It'll remain a special ride to me. You brought back my lost smile today" .
Karl felt overwhelmed and soon teardrops wetted his eyes. He hugged the old woman and reassured her, "I'll come to meet you. Don't worry, all is gonna be well. Take care."
  A sweet , heavenly peace took over and enveloped the elder woman, and a certain delight and happiness bubbled in Karl's heart , as they bade each other and went their ways.

"Little deeds of Kindness, are seeds sown of Greatness..... though Unseen,
Forgotten,  and unappreciated the deed be . .  .
It never goes unnoticed and unrecorded by Heaven ..."

"Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap,
if we do not lose heart. " (Galatians 6:9)

By - Sybil Samuel



It is a work of fiction. The Characters and events are the imagination of the writer. Any resemblance to any character or  event is purely coincidental.

Saturday, 14 March 2015

~Christ is enough for me~

When the dark clouds came hovering,
Chasing away the clear blue sky...

The smooth ocean waters, turned ugly,
And began to rage its fury...

Lighting and thunders , blew trumpets of war,
Frightening me...

And the ship began tossing, in the tempest.
My heart, now gripped, with fear of a shipwreck...

At the hour, when passion subsides,
And courage is shaken, and made to fall...
In the moment of bleak hopes, and desperate call...

I look up, and gaze the heaven above.
And amidst the roaring storm,
I hear, the still small voice speak...

'Fear not! for I am with thee.
Gather thy courage, and awaken the warrior,
That rests in thee...

Arise and roar back to the storms that tests thee...
Undaunted, I say, my champion ,you shall be. '

All my fears, now calm and settled.

Then, after persevering for a while,
I soon found, the dawn , appearing, on the horizon.
The gleaming sunlight, fading the dark clouds,
And the waves, too, surrendered, as weak and docile.

I lifted my eyes, again to the heavens,
And thanked the Almighty, who saved me.

My soul shall in this rejoice...
For when troubled times, shall chase me,
I shall cling close, to the one, who shall never ever  forsake me.

(Image credits:

Thursday, 12 March 2015


    Welcome to my new blog, The Crimson Ink.
'The Crimson ink ' is dedicated, especially for Christian content,
featuring various articles, short stories, poems, etc.
The sole purpose for creating, the blog, The Crimson Ink, is to
proclaim the message, about the passionate, unconditional love of the Heavenly Father, Jehovah God, who gave his only son, Jesus Christ,
who came to earth, to die, for the Salvation of the entire human race.
To God be all glory , forever, Amen.
